32 communities

  • Public

  • Creation Date: 15-11-2022

    Argo France brings together all French contributions to the international Argo programme, i.e. scientific and technical coordination, float purchase and deployment, data processing and interfaces with the user community (operational oceanography with Mercator Ocean and research).

    Argo France logo
  • Creation Date: 15-07-2020

    The scope of this community is to provide access to publications, research data, projects and software for assessing the socio-economic impact of digitalisation in rural areas in Europe

    Assessing the socio-economic impact of digitalisation in rural areas logo
  • Creation Date: 30-11-2021

    Aurora consists of research-intensive universities deeply committed to the social impact of our activities, and with a history of engagement with the communities in which we operate. Our overall vision is to use our academic excellence to influence societal change through our research and education – aiming to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. All our research output is combines via this Aurora Connect Gateway, and put on the Aurora Monitor Dashboard. More about Aurora:

    Aurora Universities Network logo
  • Creation Date: 16-03-2020

    This portal provides access to publications, research data, projects and software that may be relevant to the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). The OpenAIRE COVID-19 Gateway aggregates COVID-19 related records, links them and provides a single access point for discovery and navigation. We tag content from the OpenAIRE Research Graph (10,000+ data sources) and additional sources. All COVID-19 related research results are linked to people, organizations and projects, providing a contextualized navigation.

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  • Creation Date: 01-03-2018

    The Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) aims to enhance and support digitally-enabled research and teaching across the arts and humanities. It develops, maintains and operates an infrastructure in support of ICT-based research practices and sustains researchers in using them to build, analyse and interpret digital resources. DARIAH was established as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) in August 2014. Currently, DARIAH has 22 Members and several cooperating partners in eight non-member countries. Here you will find a growing collection of DARIAH-affiliated research outputs and other documents.

    DARIAH EU logo
  • Creation Date: 01-03-2018

    This community gathers research results, data, scientific publications and projects related to the domain of Digital Humanities. This broad definition includes Humanities, Cultural Heritage, History, Archaeology and related fields.

    Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage logo
  • Creation Date: 03-04-2023

    Open Research Gateway on Virtual Human Twins (sometimes referred as Digital Twins in Health). Virtual Human Twin (VHT) is an integrated multiscale, multi-time, and multi-discipline representation of quantitative human physiology and pathology. Its realisation through a collaborative distributed knowledge and resource platform is specifically designed to accelerate the development, integration, and adoption of patient-specific predictive computer models, which will be used as clinical decision support systems, for personal health forecasting or as methodologies for the development and de-risking of personalised medical products. The vision of EDITH is to facilitate the realisation of the opportunities presented by VHTs for the benefit of patients, healthcare providers, regulatory bodies and industry, both within Europe and globally. Objectives ECOSYSTEM EDITH has the objective to frame an inclusive ecosystem of digital twins in healthcare within the EU Member States and associated countries. It will start with a comprehensive mapping of the existing relevant actors, initiatives, resources (i.e., models, data sets, methods, good practices, infrastructures, solutions, services), and barriers in the digital twins. This will ensure adequate clinical representation, while fostering collaboration and integration of all relevant stakeholders, such as solution developers, technology providers, infrastructure providers, end-users (healthcare professionals and patients), regulatory agencies, and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) bodies. ROADMAP EDITH has the objective to build a roadmap with all the necessary conditions to evolve towards an integrated Virtual Human Twin (VHT). The roadmap will identify the necessary building blocks to ensure the VHT’s clinical application and formulate clear short- and mid-term policy recommendations. It will also address aspects of interoperability, computability, health information integration from various sources. It will identify any possible implementation needs and barriers, including the development of a strategic approach for clinical deployment of the VHT model. This will foster the uptake of personalised clinical decision-making, with a particular focus on areas of unmet medical needs. REPOSITORY EDITH has the objective to develop a federated and cloud-based repository of digital twins (data, models, algorithms, and good practices) in healthcare. The repository will provide a virtual collaboration environment for multiple users and organisations, that will pool together existing digital twin resources across Europe. The ecosystem will be leveraged to create a repository catalogue with available resources and recruit resources into the repository from the consortium and external contributors. Through a federated approach, links will be established with ongoing initiatives that have complementary objectives. SIMULATION PLATFORM EDITH has the objective to develop the architecture of a simulation platform that will support the transition towards an integrated Virtual Human Twin (VHT). EDITH’s platform, based on a personal user account with specific permissions, will outline how to provide users with a one-stop shop to design, develop, test, and validate single organ digital twins, and combine them with other twins to build integrated VHT models. Five use-cases (cancer, cardiovascular, intensive care, osteoporosis, brain) have been pre-selected to be developed as prototypes, representing the variety of functionalities to be provided by the platform.

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  • Creation Date: 25-10-2023

    EDIH Adria is part of the European Digital Innovation Hubs Network, which consists of several hundred centers across Europe. EDIH Adria is promoting two key technologies - artificial intelligence and high-performance computing, and how to use them in SME or public organisations. In the EDIH Adria project, these technologies will focus on the sectors of health and quality of life (including health tourism), transport and mobility (with a special emphasis on the maritime sector), and energy and sustainable development, i.e. strengthening the sectors that are key for the faster transition of Adriatic Croatia towards digital economy. This is Open Research gateway for EDIH Adria project.

    EDIH Adria Matchmaking Platform logo
  • Creation Date: 13-07-2022

    EUTOPIA is an ambitious alliance of 10 like-minded universities ready to reinvent themselves: the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), the Ca'Foscari University of Europe (Italy), CY Cergy Paris Université (France), the Technische Universität Dresden (Germany), the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Pompeu Fabra (Spain) and the University of Warwick (United Kingdom). Together, these 10 pioneers join forces to build the university of the future.

    EUTOPIA Open Research Portal logo
  • Creation Date: 08-11-2021

    EUt+ is an alliance of 9 universities: Technological University Dublin, Riga Technical University, Cyprus University of Technology, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Polytechnic University of Cartagena, University of Technology of Troyes, Technical University of Sofia, Hochschule Darmstadt and University of Cassino.

    EUt+ logo
32 communities