49 communities

  • Research Communities
  • Research Initiatives

  • Creation Date: 25-10-2023

    EDIH Adria is part of the European Digital Innovation Hubs Network, which consists of several hundred centers across Europe. EDIH Adria is promoting two key technologies - artificial intelligence and high-performance computing, and how to use them in SME or public organisations. In the EDIH Adria project, these technologies will focus on the sectors of health and quality of life (including health tourism), transport and mobility (with a special emphasis on the maritime sector), and energy and sustainable development, i.e. strengthening the sectors that are key for the faster transition of Adriatic Croatia towards digital economy. This is Open Research gateway for EDIH Adria project.

    EDIH Adria Matchmaking Platform logo
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    EGI : advanced computing for research
    Creation Date: 27-11-2018

    EGI is the federation of computing and storage resource providers united by a mission of delivering advanced computing and data analytics services for research and innovation.

    EGI : advanced computing for research logo
  • Creation Date: 13-07-2022

    EUTOPIA is an ambitious alliance of 10 like-minded universities ready to reinvent themselves: the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), the Ca'Foscari University of Europe (Italy), CY Cergy Paris Université (France), the Technische Universität Dresden (Germany), the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Pompeu Fabra (Spain) and the University of Warwick (United Kingdom). Together, these 10 pioneers join forces to build the university of the future.

    EUTOPIA Open Research Portal logo
  • Creation Date: 08-11-2021

    EUt+ is an alliance of 9 universities: Technological University Dublin, Riga Technical University, Cyprus University of Technology, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Polytechnic University of Cartagena, University of Technology of Troyes, Technical University of Sofia, Hochschule Darmstadt and University of Cassino.

    EUt+ logo
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    Energy Planning
    Creation Date: 22-12-2023

    Gateway on Energy Planning for the Horizon Europe project SciLake, Grant agreement ID: 101058573

    Energy Planning logo
  • Creation Date: 09-03-2023

    The European Geothermal Research & Innovation Search Engine (EGRISE) enables the discovery of research products (e.g. project deliverables, papers, datasets) produced in EU-funded geothermal projects and by the whole geothermal community worldwide. This empowered version of EGRISE takes advantage of the 'Connect' OpenAIRE application, offering numerous research products from different content providers in the geothermal research domain. All research products proposed by EGRISE have a complete set of meta (including DOI), and 'Open Access' ones can be downloaded. Also by taking advantage of the EGRISE Monitor Tool, a complete historical perspective of the RD&I in the geothermal landscape is now possible, highlighting success stories and gaps. This version of EGRISE has been designed within the GEOTHERM-FORA project, funded by the European Union (G.A. 101075400).

    European Geothermal Research and Innovation Search Engine logo
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    European Marine Biological Resource Centre
    Creation Date: 26-05-2021

    The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) is a European 'research infrastructure' that provides researchers and companies with access to marine organisms and the facilities to study them, including experimental facilities and technological platforms. We enable researchers to better understand our impact on the oceans and ensure the sustainable use of marine resources.

    European Marine Biological Resource Centre logo
  • Creation Date: 01-03-2018

    This community was initially defined to include a very broad range of topics, with the intention to generate a number of more focused and sustainable dashboards for research communities and initiatives. As outlined in the logo of this community, we intend to setup a community dashboard for EuroMarine (a consortium of 56 research and academic organisations) and monitoring dashboards for marine research initiatives, including infrastructures (e.g. EMBRC & EMSO), advisory boards (e.g. Marine Boards & ICES), and transnational funding bodies (e.g. JPI-Oceans and Tara Foundation).

    European Marine Science logo
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    European Plate Observing System
    Creation Date: 15-11-2019

    EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, is a long-term plan to facilitate integrated use of data, data products, and facilities from distributed research infrastructures for solid Earth science in Europe.

    European Plate Observing System logo
  • Creation Date: 01-03-2023

    The European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability - EU-CONEXUS promotes common European values and a strengthened European identity by bringing together a new generation of Europeans, who can cooperate and work within different European cultures, in different languages and across borders, sectors and academic disciplines. EU-CONEXUS is committed to creating a new institutional framework for higher education in Europe that allows for a truly European way of studying and carrying out research through institutional alignment and seamless mobility for all. The thematic framework Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (SmUCS) means for EU-CONEXUS to focus its research & innovation, education and knowledge sharing activities on societal challenges that are linked to a specific geographical location – the urban and semi-urbanised coastal (rivers and oceans) regions. SmUCS is not a subject-driven thematic framework, but a challenge-driven education and research domain.

    European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability logo
49 communities